Scenefis Makeup De Professionnelle - International Professional Image Artist Course Enroll Now !
Scenefis Makeup de Professionnelle is a platform to gather the best makeup artist talent among Malaysia and Southeast Asia to create futuristic gallery of professional makeup!
Scenefis Makeup de Professionnelle is a makeup school that provide technical base training nor skill base training to rain realism ,practically base makeup talent! Of Course , our production having high quality of artistry talent.
Scenefis Makeup de Professionnelle is a makeup academy to train trainee to become master of makeup art in future!
Anna Sim
braddy tan
bridal makeup gallery
Chinese Style Makeup
creative fantasy makeup
joyn ng
Scenefis Makeup Academy
Vesley Lee
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Fantastic Bridal Makeup Creation by Makeup Artist Vivian !
The best is not good enough , the creation talent to create new era plus new page of life !
By mentoring by Best Makeup tutor Vesley Lee , Ms Vivian from Klang able to did magnificent creation on her Bridal Makeup portfolio :
Ms Vivian , another Klang's girl who ambitious to become world-class makeup artist and got her talent to realize the dream!
By mentoring by Best Makeup tutor Vesley Lee , Ms Vivian from Klang able to did magnificent creation on her Bridal Makeup portfolio :
Ms Vivian , another Klang's girl who ambitious to become world-class makeup artist and got her talent to realize the dream!
经典的高水平新娘化妆: Bridal Makeup by Anna Sim
Ms Anna Sim , another skillful talent apprentice by Image Director Vesley Lee ,Realism, Strengths makeup artist.
新婚是女人最幸福的时刻,优秀的新娘化妆师将让这辈子最值得纪念的一天变得特别完美! |
卓越的新娘化妆师让女人在新婚日子变得格外动人,格外完美! |
Anna Sim 的新娘化妆有很高天赋 |
Anna Sim 的新娘化妆才艺卓越 |
Ms Anna Sim , another skillful talent apprentice by Image Director Vesley Lee ,Realism, Strengths makeup artist.
Chinese Cheongsam Creative Portrait Makeup by Makeup Artist Anna Sim
Chinese Style Cheongsam Creative Portrait Makeup |
Quality Chinese style makeup & hairstyling |
Ms Anna Sim , another skillful talent apprentice by Image Director Vesley Lee ,Realism, Strengths makeup artist.
大马顶级化妆名师 Vesley Lee 简介
Vesley Lee Siew Khim , 学生们惯称为 Kym 老师 ,是位才华横溢的世界级水平化妆老师,曾在大马APT化妆学院执教多年,是将APT化妆学院水平提升至世界级的功勋化妆名师。Vesley 老师目前正筹备本身的专业顾问公司,从一位登峰造极的化妆艺术家转型为一位企业家,誓必成为大马未来的一个卓越创意企业家。这里是西流隆老师为好友Vesley老师做的化妆作品珍藏部落格,并且运用大马搜寻引擎第一人的实力,将这么卓越的化妆作品让全世界欣赏,让世界知道大马人登峰造极的化妆创作。
Creative fantasy Hairstyling & Makeup by Makeup Artist : Connie
Ms.Connie , the apprentices of Image Director Vesley Lee have a great talent and magnificent skill inn makeover.
Wonderful creation design |
Ms.Connie , the apprentices of Image Director Vesley Lee have a great talent and magnificent skill inn makeover.
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